The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
- CancelServiceNotice
- CheckIfReverseInverseShipmentExists
- CheckIfReverseInverseShipmentExistsBcId
- CreateCollectionRequest
- CreateCollectionRequestBc
- CreateMultiShipment
- CreateMultiShipmentBc
- CreatePickupAtCustomer
- CreatePickupAtCustomerBc
- CreateReverseInverseShipment
- CreateReverseInverseShipmentBc
- CreateReverseInverseShipmentWithLabels
- CreateReverseInverseShipmentWithLabelsBc
- CreateShipment
- CreateShipmentBc
- CreateShipmentWithLabels
- CreateShipmentWithLabelsBc
- GetAllServiceNotices
- GetBic3
- GetBic3Routing
- GetCustomerAddress
- GetCustomerProfile
- GetGeoRouting
- GetGeoRoutingReverse
- GetLabel
- GetLabelBc
- GetLabelData
- GetLastNumber
- GetNationalTransitTime
- GetNumberRange
- GetNumberRangeBc
- GetOptionValue
- GetOptionValues
- GetProperties
- GetRdvShipmentData
- GetRetourLabel
- GetRetourLabelBc
- GetRetourShipmentData
- GetRetourShipmentDataBc
- GetReverseOnDemandMode
- GetSafePlaceData
- GetSecureData
- GetServiceNoticeAnswers
- GetServiceNotices
- GetShipment
- GetShipmentBc
- GetShipmentBcMulti
- GetShipmentWcs
- GetShipping
- IsCustomerBlocked
- IsDeliverableOnDate
- IsPickableOnDate
- PutProperties
- SendCNOTData
- TerminateCollectionRequest
- TerminateCollectionRequestBc
- TerminateNumberRange
- TerminateNumberRangeBc
- TerminateShipment
- UpdateRdvShipmentData
- UpdateRdvShipmentDataForAgencyPickup
- UpdateRdvShipmentDataForPredict
- UpdateRdvShipmentDataForSafePlace
- UpdateRdvShipmentDataForShop
- UpdateServiceNotice
- VerifyClient
- VerifyConfiguration
- getInfo
- isAlive
- runAction
- setAlive